Sunday, February 8, 2015


"Let's get up and go
Let's do something
Put a phone to charge
Read maybe, just do."
Let's just sit around
Let's not move
Put down the pen
Look in the distance.
"Let's walk till there
One step at a time
Let's move so that
We commit no crime."
Let's just simply stare
Into the nothingness
And look within
This incredible mind.
"The mind functions
It is all about the activity
The productivity and
The building dignity."
The mind is slower
Purposefully looking
Knowing every word
And yet searching.
"I refuse to sit around
I refuse to stare
I want to be gone
And I want to care."
I won't move a limb
I won't go around
You are dependent
On my muscle ground.
"I will go,
You then sit around
In that very posture
Under the ground."
Don't threaten me so
You will stick around
You want things done
And I am your chance.
"Chance yes but
Not my source
A medium to take me;
my thoughts through."
Thoughts don't matter
Not as powerful as me
For thoughts are within
The exterior is me.
"The exterior you said;
Does it not explain
For within is the self
Which will not refrain."
I will resist
I will till the last bit
Let my energy drain
Till the edge of the cliff.
"I would not jump
In the name of activity.
Action is not cause
Neither blasphemy."

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