Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Black Sheep

It 'baa'ed in the courtyard,
No one so much as cared.

It 'baa'ed near the well,
Not even a look was spared.

It 'baa'ed on the doorstep,
No one turned around.

It 'baa'ed around the bush,
Again that annoying sound..!

It 'baa'ed once and more
It 'baa'ed till It was heard
It 'baa'ed near the little girl
It 'baa'ed as It was pet
It 'baa'ed as the wolf approached
It 'baa'ed as she fled
It 'baa'ed for It was pegged
It 'baa'ed as the blood was shed
It 'baa'ed till It could 'baa' no more
It 'baa'ed till It's reason was met.

It 'baa'ed for It was heard
It 'baa'ed, though no one cared
It 'baa'ed for the sacrifice
It 'baa'ed for the dream
It 'baa'ed for It never felt
the 'baa' was different from the white.

It 'baa'ed till the very end...
It 'baa'ed for that one day,
It 'baa'ed for the 'baa' that would
reach where it was meant.

It 'baa'ed till the bloody horns
had cracked the very last length...!