Saturday, June 30, 2012

Borne with guilt

I was born guilty,
So was she,
so was she, she and she
We were borne,
in the age of men
I was born guilty.
My destiny is frozen,
I ignite a flame,
It is extinguished,
I reignite the flame.
I was born guilty.
I was borne by trust.
I was borne with love.
I was born afloat in dust.
I was cloaked with lust.
I was born guilty.
My hands are tied,
My lexicons sealed;
My ambitions rejected,
My needs thrown to destiny.
It was I who were born guilty
It was I who had committed the Sin
It was I who bore you.
Of that I am guilty.
Of that,
I was born guilty.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

DO i want to be anyone but me?

ask me the question, will I ever not want what has made me who i am...and I would say no...there are so many who would say a yes we assume, but do they?
I am who i am because I was born this way.
"you will never change" is what Often hits me and i wonder do I want to?
i have often dreamt of what i would be or where i could be if i weren't here but trust me...
i would not be happier than now...for what i was gifted with was = is my reality.
i love it
i cant believe i have blamed it for so long...and accepting it today is what makes me happy...
is what makes me smile, not with effort...
how do i explain to the world that "my condition" is not a vice...
its my little precious
and I would love to keep it the way it is...
the way I am.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Am i allowed to jump off the cliff
the cliff i had dreams of, so often.
the cliff of which the boulder would fall
it would fall right on my leg, my arm.
and i would wake up...
wake up wreathing in pain,
wake up drenched in sweat,
wake up soaked in fear.
hoping i could get my hands on the pain,
the point of pain,
only if it were not for the barrier,
isn't it better to just take the leap.