Saturday, April 19, 2014

If I were a pangolin

If I were a pangolin 
I would slowly curl up in my den.
My den would be with me
Wherever I decide to be.
Curling up would be much easy
And letting it in not compulsory.
My tail would swat those pests,
And I would be along a quest
With the Badger and the Bear
With whom I could truely share
The story of my many scales
And all those kicking around tales.

Friday, April 18, 2014

May I die?

May I die?
The heart wants to know
It is pining and pinning
and it is screaming.

Every scream falls
on my deaf years.
its lived a long life
and also a lie
it refuses to be
my confidant
It wants to walk
walk as it moves
away and away
to a place
far far way.

It reminds me
of all that it
has seen so long
for all that was
there and there not.
what it left behind.
and what
it had never had
of the love and pain
of the words
of all that worth.

for i have died
many ages ago
it says
it is you who
has to let me go.