God Loves You*
Love your family
Your family Loves You**
Love your siblings
Your siblings Love You***
Love your neighbors
Your neighbors Love You****
Love your (new) family
Your (new) family Loves You*****
Love your companion
Your companion Loves You******
I am the Lord thy God
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Thou shalt not lie
Thou shalt not steal
Man shalt not lie with man
Thou shalt not leave
Thou shalt not live
It is an abomination.
You shall return home early
You shall not question
You shall excel at school
You shall not argue
You shall respect
You shall never disagree
You shall not tell others.
You shall make a family too.
***conditions apply
You shall not ask
You shall not move
You shall not sit
You shall not walk
You shall not talk
You shall not be
You shall not exist.
****conditions apply
You shall not play music loudly
You shall not park your car at my spot
You shall not come to me for coffee
You shall not bring home a friend
You shall not speak just nod.
*****conditions apply
You shall cook
You shall learn
You shall reproduce
You shall not argue
You shall respect
You shall never disagree
You shall not tell others.
******condition apply
You will listen and speak
You will be and let be
You will ask and tell
You will smile and cry