Sunday, May 27, 2012

a wish

a wish is my belief,
i wish i believed in his words,
i wish i gave it another chance,
i wish i believed in solitude.
i wish i could believe...
i only wish,
i believed in my own wish...!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


has anyone seen my sanity?
has anyone looked around?
has anyone informed the ruler?
has anyone stolen the crown?

I have dropped my sanity.
I have left it down-town.
I have sealed the passages.
I have hidden the shroud.

has anyone walked the bridge?
has anyone knocked the pane?
has anyone dared to look?
has anyone seen the rain?

I have now crossed over.
Yes, I drank the rain.
No one was there to see me.
For I was walking in vain.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

as the tiny grain of coffee tries to remain afloat
i stare...
rather i stir...
not just stare...
for the drowning of this grain...
is my depression free life...
or as wiki says...
with lower suicidal risk!!!!!!!

a legal drug...
mass produced all over the world...
consumers in zillions...
and i but a bait...
to the commercialization...
of this big fish producing and selling...
of the buying and auctioning...
and i say...
i am not an addict...!!!!!

bitter, white crystalline alkaloid,
doesn't mean much does it...
for I have always known it...
either in green or brown...
a family which wakes up to the smell of it...
a nation that thrives...
a 2 rupee cutting...
a drug in an honest disguise.!!!

of all days now i am bothered...
tomorrow i wont care...
as i sip down the last bit of my coffee...
i just think...
use my produced increased wakefulness...
(again as wiki says...)
and realise...

it is but like the profession...
which sells...
for far more than
its worth ever was..!!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Just be...

They say I am like you,
But do they not see...
It is I trying to be...
just be...
I never thought of growing...
Never imagined to be gone...
To have a life disconnected...
To be love and loved.
Brace distances and voids..!!!
But now I am grown...
Still growing to be...
Just be...!!!
But my heart still resides...
On the other side of the void...
Wishing and hoping...!!!
To be loved by you...
And to be what I was...
Just be...!!!