Wednesday, May 25, 2011

a day in the RAIN

a day in the rain, I wet my hair.
a day in the rain, I lost a tear.
a day in the rain, I lost my way.
a day in the rain, my umbrella flew away.

a day in the rain, I wept alone.
a day in the rain, I missed home.
a day in the rain, I fell asleep.
a day in the rain, my stick withdrew.

a day in the rain, I walked away.
a day in the rain, my footsteps tumble.
a day in the rain, I was cold.
a day in the rain, the clouds part.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"the lilies"

an early morning wake up call...
the smell of lilies fill the room
the lilies though not yet in full bloom.

half open eyes and a tilted neck,
trying to spy on the yellow buds;
the green against the blue wall.

a smile curled the dry matte lips,
slowly the smoke screens diverge
a leap within, and out of bed.

"Happy Mother's Day!!"

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Coppice of demise.

A stitch of pain streaked down her curve.
A groan failed to escape her dead lips.
She had stepped into the coppice of demise;
that of truth, that if pain,
that not of love
but, more so of loss and  of game.

The dice showed a seven.

A miracle of times unknown.
A clandestine sword hung down her throat.
The nexus held by the last bit.
The snap but a twinkling away.
Light years were then a myth.